Also, if you are planning on running this off any disk of reasonable size, I would suggest that you simply install OS X and all these tools on there. You will find that things are much faster this way. If you can boot up from a hard drive instead of a DVD, I recommend it. You can also hold down your mouse button, trackpad button, or eject button (depending on your Mac) to eject the DVD while starting up. Simply select your hard drive, then click the forward or upward pointing arrow. This will give you a list of bootable devices to restart from. ~If upon restarting, your computer doesn't boot up from your hard drive, try restarting while holding down the Option key. They don't really have any help or instructions, but they should be pretty straight forward.ĩ) When you are done, open StartupDisk and make sure the operating system/hard drive you want to boot from is selected, then hit "Restart." Anywhere from 5-15 minutes depending on your machine.Ĩ) Use the tools on the disc. This will cause your computer to boot from whatever is in the optical (DVD/CD) drive.ħ) Wait. Then click "Burn."Ħ) Restart your computer while holding down the "c" key. Otherwise you are good to go.ĥ) At the very top left of the Disk Utility window, click "Burn." Make sure "Verify burned data" is selected. At the very top, if the "Eject" button (furthest to the right) is available (not gray), click on it. Make sure the box to the left of "Locked" has a check in it.ġ) Open Disk Utility in /Applications/Utilities/Ģ) Drag this disc image into the left part of Disk Utility, somewhere under your hard drive(s).ģ) Make sure the image is "unmounted." To do this, click on the image you just dragged into Disk Utility on the left side. To do this, either right-click/control-click the disk image and select Get Info, or select it, then hit Command+i or go to File -> Get Info. You either need to burn this to DVD or copy it to a new hard drive/partition.Ġ) Make sure the disk image is locked. This will not work for most applications as they require other files to be installed. I believe there has been a common misconception that this image was intended to be mounted then run from your working installation. There are two basic options when it comes to using this image: 1) burn it to a DVD 2) run it from a hard drive (partition, flash, iPod.). **To run TestDisk: Open the terminal and type: /Applications/testdisk-6.11.3/darwin/testdisk then hit return. *To run Memtest: Open the terminal and type: /Applications/Memtest/memtest then hit return.
If you have an older mac check out BUI 2.2.1. The image now runs Leopard (10.5.7) AND NO LONGER BOOTS PPC MACS. Bootable Utilities Image (BUI) is entirely universal-meaning it will work with Intel and PPC Macintosh computers. This image can be burned to a DVD or cloned to a iPod/flash USB stick/hard drive/partition the resulting product will then be bootable. To make your life easier I have compiled a bootable image which contains as many of these tools as possible. There are many great tools to do these functions, but to use them you either need a second operating system installed or a bunch of bootable discs. Many operations require you to "unmount" your hard drive or partition, such as: Fixing, Optimizing, Defragmenting, Partitioning, Cloning, and Data Recovery.