
Hollow knight black barrier
Hollow knight black barrier

While the details of what he was like as a person before the infection are unknown, his plan to create the perfect hollow Vessel to contain the infection required the sacrifice of thousands of his own spawn until one of them became perfectly "hollow" enough to contain Radiance. By the time the player character arrives, much of his kingdom has been in ruins for over a century following a devastating plague, and the King himself has long since departed for parts unknown. The mysterious ruler and founder of Hallownest, venerated by his subjects. The Pale King, heard while ascending the Abyss

hollow knight black barrier

While each of their individual presence are repeatedly mentioned all throughout your journey, most of the crucial lore and plot points are only made accessible late-game.

  • Walking Spoiler: The Higher Beings are tied to the greater scope and history of Hallownest.
  • But they can still manifest, be encountered, hurt or outright killed.
  • Physical God: As higher beings, their abilites can encompass a wide margin, even greater than the regular bugs.
  • Even the Void Entity is a unique case, since it has several names or titles.
  • Red Baron: All except Unn are not given names, and are remembered by their titles which also border with The Magnificent trope, such as The Pale King, The Queen, The Radiance, and The Nightmare's Heart.
  • Initially, they thought of the God as the Radiance, but it turned out to be the Void Entity.
  • The Godseeker Tribe has a goal of attuning Godhome to the " God of Gods" and commune with that deity.
  • The Grimm Troupe is this for the Nightmare's Heart, as they conduct rituals in an attempt to sustain the life of the Heart by providing it with vessels.
  • Unn is worshipped by the Mosskin in Greenpath, for being the deity who brought them and that place's green vegetation.
  • By extension, Some creatures led by the Moss Prophet also indirectly worship the Radiance via the infection that it brought.
  • The Radiance is worshipped by the moth tribe.
  • Their subordinates are very much civilized as well, and not small secluded groups or tribes that deify the other Higher Beings. It's not much of an actual cult since they have realistic and proper positions in the society of Hallownest for being the royalties who rule the kingdom.
  • Downplayed in the case of The Pale King and the White Lady.
  • hollow knight black barrier

    Cult: There are some groups that worship each of the higher beings like deities:.They have abilities and powers that regular bugs do not have, and many were deified worshipped as gods by other bugs. God-like creatures in the world of Hallownest that exist above all others.

    Hollow knight black barrier